Free Ultimate Salon Visibility
Free Subscription
Boost your visibility.
- This plan includes 1 listing
- Listings are visible for 90 days
- Booking Module enabled
- Reviews Module enabled
- Social Links Module enabled
- Opening Hours Module enabled
- Coupons option enabled
- Gallery Module enabled
- Maximum 3 images in gallery
- Featured In Search Results
- Analytics Dashboard
- Dedicated Support
Standard Listing
- This plan includes 2 listings
- Unlimited availability of listings
- Social Links Module enabled
- Gallery Module enabled
- Maximum 5 images in gallery
For just R59/month, elevate your salon’s presence with additional features:
- Enhanced Listing: Highlight your salon with a more prominent and detailed listing.
- Priority Support: Receive expedited assistance from our support team for faster resolutions.
- Featured Placement: Enjoy increased visibility with a featured spot on our site.
- Booking Feature: Add online booking capabilities to your listing for no additional cost. Allow clients to schedule appointments directly from your page and easily manage bookings.
Premium Listings
- This plan includes 5 listings
- Unlimited availability of listings
- Booking Module enabled
- Social Links Module enabled
- Opening Hours Module enabled
- Gallery Module enabled
- Maximum 10 images in gallery
Maximize your salon’s potential with our Premium Plan at R99/month:
- Premium Listing: Benefit from an enhanced listing that includes premium placement and advanced customization options.
- 24/7 Support: Get around-the-clock assistance from our dedicated support team.
- Top Placement: Achieve top-tier visibility with prime positioning on our site.
- Analytics Dashboard: Gain insights into your listing’s performance with our comprehensive analytics tools.
- Included Booking Feature: Enjoy the booking functionality at no additional cost. Manage client appointments seamlessly and take full advantage of our scheduling tools.
Bookmysalon: where salon listings are always free.

Explore our flexible pricing options to enhance your salon’s visibility and streamline your booking process with our premium features.